Tuesday, November 28, 2006

homework is for the birds

It's 5:30 and I'm still in my pyjamas. I asked myself this question this morning: "Why would you get dressed when you are just going to stay inside and do homework all day?" Okay maybe I didn't ask myself the question directly, but I know that subconsciously I kept that resolve in my mind all day.

Seriously (srsly), I did homework all day. And I'm still not done. But I'm a lot closer than before. So that feels pretty good. I'm pretty much doing homework all day tomorrow and probably all day Thursday too. It's not a lot of fun. Especially when you'd rather think about your baby coming or decorate for Christmas or just do nothing.

I took about a half-an-hour break to eat lunch and managed to catch an episode of "A Baby Story". I had seen it before. I'm not sure if watching those is helpful or just frightening. Either way, I can't stop myself from wanting to take it all in.

Peter and I cleaned out the baby's closet yesterday (that's not a metaphor). We have a few boxes for Salvation Army now. The baby's clothes and belongings are put away in the dresser and the closet now and we have the crib all set up and ready to go. It feels good to go in there now, we're just one step closer to being prepared. If I had some thread I could finish up those bumper pads that Health Canada doesn't even recommend having in the first place, and then I'll share photos of the bedding that I have created. I like it.

We still have some things to get ready before the baby comes but I'm starting to feel more and more prepared (materially that is). I don't think I'll ever be prepared for parenthood. But I'm going to give it my best shot.

Anyway, Victoria's still pretty much shut down from the snow. Our prenatal classes were cancelled last night (a true snow day) and I know that the schools were still closed today.

I think the birds are confused. They keep eating bird seed off of our patio and then flying into our patio door. Srsly, it happened at least three times. And another bird was flew into our other window a couple of times, but I closed the blinds to help him out a little.

They just don't know what is going on.


Anonymous said...

srsly, chels, srsly!!

Kamara said...

you still want me to come visit? on the 27, 28 or 29 of december? you let me know.

kelli said...

i have some african sweetness to add to your baby room! let's chat soon. also, i would really like to see a new belly pic. love you.

Anonymous said...

...numbered weeks...can't wait to see this little miracle. ~hugs from Tartu~