Thursday, February 02, 2006

With my little eye...

So today we took a break from hanging pictures and finding little homes for all of our belongings and we went down to the harbour. And I saw a sweet gaggle of Mallard ducks all following this one guy who looked like he might be a janitor of sorts. They just waddled down the sidewalk, all 20 of them, and followed him. And then he went around a corner... and they're ducks so they are quite a bit slower than humans... so they cut through this garden to keep following him. It was definitely great.

Then we walked along the water and I saw a seal.

Then we drove along the beach and I saw a really big poodle.

Then we drove home and I saw the strangest looking Wal-Mart ever but we went in and it was huge and it was familiar and it was nice.

Then I came home. (January 2006)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just viewed your pics and I'm in awe of the beauty of the island - thank you for sharing!
I find it reassuring now that I can visualize the two of you in your new surroundings; I'm so glad that Spooky has adapted and is settling in too!