Thursday, January 26, 2006

How could I go back to live amongst the dead?

The other day I was talking with my practicum supervisor and she was telling me about how she really doesn't like water. I don't mean like she doesn't like swimming or going on a bridge, but she doesn't like drinking water. I could really connect with her on this because for the longest time, I myself, yes it's true, I admit it, I didn't like water. Hated it, really. I mean, it seemed so boring, so plain, so tasteless. Water was for suckers in my opinion. But now, I love water. It's great. It's so fresh and so clean, so pure, so good, and now when I drink lots of it I can't even imagine drinking pop or juice or anything sugary.

So I really started to think about water after this conversation and how pure and clean and good it is, and how I really used to hate it but now I can drink it all of the time. Seriously, water is truly the most pure drink that you can have. And it was such an adjustment for me to get used to drinking it because I'd had so much sugary pop and juice and all of those kinds of things. My body literally had to get used to it because I was all clogged up with toxins and the water just kept working away, doing what it does, washing away all the bad stuff. And now, I like it. Maybe even love it.

And then I started to think about how the same is true with me and my relationship with God. I don't mean to get all Max Lucado on you, I mean this is kind of a cheesy illustration but it's really true. We all have such toxic hearts and God just wants to clean that right out of us, just like the water does.

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