Friday, September 15, 2006

I retract, I retract!

Okay, last week I mentioned that I wanted to see a certain movie called "The Last Kiss" the day after my birthday. Today is the day after my birthday (thanks to everyone for the sweet comments!) and I got my wish... I went to the movie. And I now say that last week was the first and final time that I will promote a movie that I haven't seen!

Baby Roberts gives it two dirty diapers.

Yeah, that was a lame joke.

But anyway, I don't recommend the movie. It's sad that at the opening credit you already have the feeling that it isn't going to be good. And then you're flooded with some really uncomfortable "scenes" (you know the ones) that you don't think anyone should have to witness, and they didn't ADD anything to the movie EITHER, and it really just felt like the movie was trying to be something but it just didn't quite make the cut.

Thankfully there was some distracting noise coming from the little room that they play the movie from and we were able to get refunded.

THAT'S how good it was.

Okay, there were some funny parts.

There were some melt-your-heart parts.

But when you go to a movie and it's mostly girls and couples (whereupon you know that the males were all dragged there)... maybe it's not the best sign.

So, to those who felt like they wanted to see the movie after my post last week... I now retract my recommendation and will not take any responsibility for your exposure to the movie and its contents!

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