Saturday, September 16, 2006

We're 22!

Right now I'm 24 weeks pregnant. The actual "age" of the baby is 2 weeks behind, so the baby is 22 weeks old (as Peter mentioned). So we celebrated being 22 together.

In this picture I am reading "Does a Kangaroo Have A Mother?" (by Eric Carle) to the babe. He/She really seemed to enjoy it as it bounced around and kicked me lots during the story. Peter even took a turn reading.

Here is a picture from the 23rd week of pregnancy (taken last weekend). I agree with Kristi that the pictures do seem to make you look bigger than you really are... I guess it depends on what you are wearing too, but the truth is this baby is GROWING.

My daycare kids love that there is a baby in my tummy and let me know every day "Your baby is getting big!" Also, the same kids ask every day, "When's the baby gonna come out?" Every day I tell them "After Christmas." It's a lot of fun being pregnant and working with small kids. They all try to feel the baby moving and some even put their ear to my tummy to try and hear the baby.

Anyway, so far so good. Baby is growing, my back and feet are getting tired, but no complaints or complications thus far. Thanks for your continued prayers.


kelli said...

awww, look how fat and cute you are!
i sure wish i could feel that belly...

Jessie said...

you are so cute!..and the skirt is a great alternative to the elastic waistband jeans :)
i love that you read stories to your pregnant belly, it is wonderful...i fully believe that reading to your children is one of the best gifts you can give them...way to start early!

(p.s. I bet that's an Old Navy shirt)

Kristi said...

You look great Chels! Glad everything is going so well. Take care!

Love Kristi

Anonymous said...

You look amazing, soo beautiful! Love Dauphin Mom