Monday, June 12, 2006

The Call Centre Blues

I didn't go to work today. I took calls on Friday, but today was my first "official" all-day-long call taking day at West. I didn't go. I didn't go because I spent all night last night making this face:

Of course my hair is much shorter, so it was more like this:

Of course my hair is lighter and I have more freckles, but you get the idea. I was morose.

So I decided, I will not go to work tomorrow. The corners of my mouth started to point upward a bit. I will not go to work tomorrow. I will hand out resumes, I will go to a million and one daycares and start subbing, I'll go to Subway and make subs, I'll sell subs to those fancy guys with the fancy cars that like their fancy bass loud. I'll do anything so long as I don't have to work at West.

I mean, I've worked some crappy jobs before. Tim Horton's. Bootlegger. StarTek (which might as well be West). Okay, I never stuck to any of those jobs, but let's be real here, I worked at A&W for a year. I worked at Canadian Tire for my entire time spent in Yellowknife and would've stayed longer (I'm maybe even going to apply to the one here). I worked in a day camp being the only Anglophone person, with angry French separtists who relieved their anger on me... yet I managed to stay at those places. What did they have that this place doesn't? Why can't I just stay at West and suck it up? (Did I mention that I cleaned rooms at the Holiday Inn?)

I didn't go to work today. And it made me happy. But now, it's almost time for supper and I'm realizing that I have to go to work tomorrow. The corners of my mouth are sharply sloping downward again. I should stay there until I get another job... right? Right? (In case you're wondering, I'm waiting for you all to tell me that I don't have to and that everything will be fine... which, in case you didn't know, it will be.)

Sigh. I bet I'm going to work tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

West eats your soul. So I've heard.
Get out while you're still alive!

Anonymous said...

Adam and I think that you are toooooooo CUTE with that little peter/chelsey combo you got going on there!!! You know...if you have a girl we have more baby clothes than you will know what to do with!!!!! Anyway, sorry to hear your job sucks. I hate it when that happens! It will work worries! Hang in there....God never gives us more than we can handle...its a promise!...and the conclusion to this novel...hehe...ok...have a good one. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

do you even know how cute you are? yikes. i miss you. canadian tire in yk is hiring. full time and part time. whatever whatever your fancy. i forget that saying. anyways... i miss you still.

Anonymous said...

Hey. I hope you are Ok and happy now.
Hehhh...Do you know what??-I saw you some days ago. In kaubamaja where I´m working. Well, I hoped that it will be you but I knew that it´s impossible. I saw a girl who did look just like you-same clothing, same haircut(when you had longer hair). I was But then reality hit me: you are in Canada. You are not here. I miss you!!! I want to give you a big hug.
Heidi, a friend from Estonia who really really miss you.

!I love your photos!