Thursday, June 29, 2006

Family Ties & Growing Pains

So, I know that blogs have been few and far between... our internet at home is "sensitive" and works when it wants to :) But now I'm at Kirk & Vivian's and I managed to leg-wrestle one of their kids into giving me some computer time.

On Tuesday I begin my new job as a full-time Early Childhood Educator. The dream has been realized. It was completely a God-directed thing, and I'm still amazed at how it all came about. In a nutshell, last Friday I basically was able to choose between two amazing caregiving positions. I'm really thankful and excited about the next 5 months of work... never really thought that I would say that.

And it's strange to think that the baby will be here in five months. Right now I'm 16 weeks along. I'm almost half way. It seemed like I'd never make it past 12 weeks, and suddenly I find myself being 4 months pregnant. I had my check-up yesterday and all is well, heart beating at 156 beats per minute. We videotaped it but it wasn't as audible as last time. All is well and the baby is growing. Our ultrasound is in two weeks. Pictures to follow.

Grandma and Grandpa Roberts and Scott and Cindi are here for the weekend and my wonderful friend Nickie is arriving with her family tomorrow.

As rent day approaches, Peter and I realize that we have now been in Victoria for 6 months... how did that happen!? It's pretty unbelievable that half a year has already flown by. And my how our lives have changed in those whirlwind 6 months.

Anyway, I'm gonna go hang out with the family.

1 comment:

xblairx said...

hey pals,
i'm back from my blogging break.
check me out.