Wednesday, August 16, 2006

We're Safe

We left on Sunday at about 12 o'clock, racing down Highway 17 to try and catch the 1 o'clock ferry. We made it and enjoyed the massage chairs along the way. We hit the open highway and by 8:30 we were at Salmon Arm just in time for me to hop in the van with Grandma Roberts, Tasha, Auntie Susan, Tara, Auntie Penny and meet up with Auntie Cindi and Sarah at Boston Pizza for Roberts' Ladies Night. A good time had by all. After that we came back and Peter and I visited with Grandma and Grandpa until around midnight and then we hit the hay.

Monday morning, up at 5:30AM. For the first time in my life I was at McDonald's for breakfast before it even opened. Saw lots of amazing photo opportunities along the way, but didn't want to make too many stops. The mountains were still towering over us, displaying God's glory as usual. Ate in Taco Bell for the first time in Calgary. Not the best meal ever. I drove from Strathmore to Medicine Hat, the home of Kalan Porter. We stopped at Wal-Mart for windshield washer fluid (the bugs are amazing out here!) and of course to look at gun cases. Back on the road, almost ran out of gas but thankfully the town of Caronport came up a bit sooner than we expected. Enjoyed the Saskatchewan flatlands and the sunset and hit the road again. Arrived at Blair & Melissa's at 9:15 PM, played with Makena, Hudson and Lily. Lily slept with me the whole night, Hudson slept with Peter for most of it.

The next morning Pete and Blair went golfing, I slept until 7:30 and met them at Stan's Roadhouse before taking off for Brandon. Our butts were starting to get sore by this point. Finally arrived in Brandon and got to do a puzzle with our neice Kiara and hold our newest nephew, Kori. And of course visit with Mark and Melissa. Ate a delicious pizza pop (seriously it was good, I haven't had one in years) and a special cupcake that Kiara made for especially for us. Hit the road again, drove through the park and didn't see any wildlife. Arrived in Dauphin and ate a fabulous ham and scalloped potatoe supper. Yummmmmmmmmmm. Went to Tim Horton's with Mom & Dad Roberts, came home and visited, looked at pictures, Pete and Mom R sang and played piano together.

This morning, the boys get up early to go golfing at Clear Lake. LaVonne and I grocery shop for punch for the wedding and scout out photo locations. Lots of stuff to do today, later on tonight we're going to Moon Lake for a smokie cookout.

Pictures will come later, right now I'm lucky that our wireless is picking up signal from the neighbours :)


Kamara said...

Hey Chels... Check out my blog. You had something to do with it.
Wink nudge wink.

Anonymous said...

Hey Chels. Thanks for the update. I'm glad you had a safe trip - it's soooo long isn't it! We're missing you guys here! It is supposed to get really hot here again this weekend. Sorry you'll miss it. Say Hi to everyone and give them our love.
Love Vivian

Anonymous said...

Woops! That was supposed to be Auntie Vivian! HEHE!

Craig,Leah,Lena said...

I'm here to pass on my congrats to M&M about babay Kori! didn't even know they had a little boy.
Have a great time in Dauphin! I was there just a couple short weeks ago...ahhh, the memories!

Kristi said...

Hi Guys,
Please give Keri-Lynn a hug for us and tell her we will be thinking of her on the big day! Say hi to all the family for us and let everyone know we miss and love them. Have fun and I am glad your trip was safe.

Love Kristi,Cyrus,Connor and baby

Jessie said...

glad to hear you made it safely...have an awesome time...i will see you very soon!

Tami said...

glad to hear you guys are safe and sound. have a great time with your families!!