Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Okay so now even Blair is blogging more than me. I never would've thought that could be possible. The only real reason for my lack of blogs is that I'm thinking too much (and not writing) and our internet sporadically will disconnect and we'll be too lazy to fix it for a few days.

So perhaps some of you would like an update.

It's not hot here anymore. It's actually kind of chilly. Yesterday and today I wore a sweater. I love sweaters though and I'll still wear one at 17 degrees. So maybe that doesn't say much, but the heat is gone that's for sure.

We're leaving in a little under two weeks to come to the Prairies to see the families. Loooooooookinggggg forward to it.

Today I turned 18 weeks pregnant. I felt the baby move for the first time on Saturday night. I was a little unsure if it really was the baby but then last night I felt it for sure. I had a doctor's appointment today and our baby has one strong heart that's for sure. It was so loud today. Sounds like it's working pretty well. Our next ultrasound is next week.

Hmmm what else do you want to know about? I don't think my thoughts on The Irresistable Revolution are going to formulate into a blog any time soon but maybe I'll post some of Ronald Sider's thoughts from his book "Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger". His sentences are better than mine anyway.


kelli said...

fiiiinally an update. i'm glad you are reading those books. we will have some more talks about them when you get here. can't wait to see you. and your belly.

Anonymous said...

I would like to be with you and hold my hand on your belly when the baby moves...
I miss you!

xblairx said...

i am king of blogging.

Kristi said...

That ia exciting that you felt the baby move. It is the best part of being pregnant. Feeling your little one move for the first time is awesome! Just wait it gets better!