Thursday, March 16, 2006

This too shall pass.

It seems that I have a lot to smile about these days. Read on.

The weather today has seemingly been matched to my inner emotions. This morning was overcast, a little rainy, and my heart felt a little gloomy. I was excited, no doubt, to hear that I had been offered a position with Kids Klubs (the B/A program), but I was a little stressed based on the facts that I would only be working about 5 hours a day with them. I knew it wouldn't be 40 hours a week, but I thought it would be at least 6 hours/day. So I was confused. What's a girl to do? Obviously this position would offer me some great experience, a lot of fun, an opportunity to share my faith and to work with kids, and room for advancement. But the reality of life is bills.

So I set out for my interview at Starbucks. It was pretty cold, even with my thick wooly sweater, and I wished that I had brought my mittens because my hands were getting cold. The wind was blowing and it started to rain and I realized I had forgotten my umbrella.

Once inside Starbucks I was greeted with a cup of warm hugs: a Chai Tea Latte. Yum yum. Then I had a wonderful interview, very pleasant, very real (despite all the formal questions), and things started to look up. Turns out Starbucks is flexible, looking for part-time workers, and it just might fit right into my schedule with Kids Klubs.

I walked out of the interview and the grey clouds had lifted. The sun was shining and the sky was blue with huge white cumulus accents. There was a bounce in my step. I walked home carrying my wooly sweater, I met an old man wearing a funny hat walking a little dog wearing a sweater. I gave him a really big smile and continued on my way.

When I got home I looked for some music to match my mood and the weather and the closest thing was Tom Jones. I listened to that and talked to the love of my life (Peter, in case you're wondering!) on the phone.

Tom Jones soon became unbearable and Jack Johnson was substituted.

A lot of people say, "If you don't like the weather in Victoria, just wait." It's true for life's happenings too. Sometimes skies are grey, sometimes blue, but this too shall pass. We all have ups and downs. If you're down, the ups are coming. If you're up, appreciate it and those around you. We're not invincible, but we're durable.

The human experience sure is wonderful.


Jill Slywka said...

what a cute picture! i love the flowers in the background. if only it was that nice here already.

i appreciate reading your thoughts, chelsey. thanks for helping me to remember to be thankful for both the ups and the downs. without the downs, i don't think that we could appreciate the ups so much.

i'm glad that the job hunt went so well for you, and that you are enjoying life in victoria. take care.


Anonymous said...

Oh my dear sweet Chelsey, just what I needed to hear. Thank you my dear. Congrats on the job, have a great weekend. I do love you, Mom from Dauphin!

Anonymous said...

I had my first Chai Tea Latte a couple days ago and it was amazing. So one day maybe I will take you and we will chai-tea-latte it up. I like your thoughts, and I hope you grow to love Victoria weather.

Anonymous said...

It was nice to hear that you have now a job. Good luck with everything and remember what you said about rise and down...Love you!